String endsWith() Method in Java with Example

suffix – This is a suffix.
Return Value
  • False: Character sequence supplied in "suffix" DOES NOT matches the end sequence of the calling string
  • True: Character sequence supplied in "suffix" matches the end sequence of the calling string
public class StringEx1 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str_Sample = "Java String endsWith example";
        //Check if ends with a particular sequence
        System.out.println("EndsWith character 'e': " + str_Sample.endsWith("e"));
        System.out.println("EndsWith character 'ple': " + str_Sample.endsWith("ple"));
        System.out.println("EndsWith character 'Java': " + str_Sample.endsWith("Java"));
EndsWith character 'e': true
EndsWith character 'ple': true
EndsWith character 'Java': false
The java.lang.String.endsWith() returns true if this string ends with the specified suffix.

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