Host Server:
Remote Server:
1. Login to the host server.
2. Keys will be located in the directory .ssh, if the .ssh folder is not present create at the user home.
mkdir ~/.ssh
3. Change the permissions on our .ssh directory.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
4. Generate the keys using following commands.
5. It will prompt you for the information it needs to generate the keys. Use all the default values (just press enters at every prompt).
6. Your keys are now generated.
Go to .ssh folder, There should be 2 files in .ssh folder id_rsa and
7. Change the permissions of these files.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
8. Now SSH to your remote server.
Enter your password and log in
9. Check if the .ssh directory exists on the server. If not then create at the user’s home.
mkdir ~/.ssh
10. Change the permissions on our .ssh directory.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
11. Check if authorized_keys file is present in .ssh folder.
If it doesn't, create it. You can use touch command to create an empty file.
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
12. Change the permissions on our authorized_keys file.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
13. Logout from the remote server to return to the host server command prompt.
14. Go to .ssh folder and copy contents of your local public key file (~/.ssh/, which you created earlier with ssh-keygen) into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on remote server.
Copy content
Login to remote server in separate window
Go to .ssh folder
vi authorized_keys
Paste the content and save the file
This completes the process of creating SSH configuration on both the servers.
Remote Server:
1. Login to the host server.
2. Keys will be located in the directory .ssh, if the .ssh folder is not present create at the user home.
mkdir ~/.ssh
3. Change the permissions on our .ssh directory.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
4. Generate the keys using following commands.
5. It will prompt you for the information it needs to generate the keys. Use all the default values (just press enters at every prompt).

6. Your keys are now generated.
Go to .ssh folder, There should be 2 files in .ssh folder id_rsa and
7. Change the permissions of these files.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
8. Now SSH to your remote server.
Enter your password and log in
9. Check if the .ssh directory exists on the server. If not then create at the user’s home.
mkdir ~/.ssh
10. Change the permissions on our .ssh directory.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh
11. Check if authorized_keys file is present in .ssh folder.
If it doesn't, create it. You can use touch command to create an empty file.
touch ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
12. Change the permissions on our authorized_keys file.
chmod 700 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
13. Logout from the remote server to return to the host server command prompt.
14. Go to .ssh folder and copy contents of your local public key file (~/.ssh/, which you created earlier with ssh-keygen) into the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on remote server.
Copy content
Login to remote server in separate window
Go to .ssh folder
vi authorized_keys
Paste the content and save the file
This completes the process of creating SSH configuration on both the servers.
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