- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
- import java.util.logging.Level;
- import java.util.logging.Logger;
- import oracle.iam.platform.authopss.api.PolicyConstants;
- import oracle.iam.platform.authopss.api.PolicyConstants.Actions;
- import oracle.iam.platform.authopss.api.PolicyConstants.Resources;
- import oracle.iam.platform.authopss.vo.AdminRole;
- import oracle.iam.platform.authopss.vo.AdminRoleVO;
- import oracle.iam.platform.authopss.vo.Capability;
- import oracle.iam.platformservice.api.AdminRoleService;
- import com.oimacademy.connection.Platform;
- public class CustomAdminRoleWihGrantRoleCapabilities {
- private static Logger logger;
- private static final String DEFAULT_LOG_FILE = "customAdminRoleWihGrantRoleCapabilities.log";
- private static final String usageString = "\nUsage of CustomAdminRoleWihGrantRoleCapabilities.java \n" +
- " where arguments are :\n" +
- " ADMIN_ROLE_NAME\t\t [Required] Custom Admin Role Name. \n" +
- " RESOURCES\t\t\t [Required] Ex: Resources such as ROLE, USER, ORGANIZATION etc \n" +
- " RESOURCES ACTION\t\t [Required] Ex: Actions For Respective Resources such as ADD_MEMBERS, ADD_ADMIN_USER etc \n" +
- " [Option] You can pass multiple RESOURCES ACTION in ',' seperated values. Ex: ADD_MEMBERS,CREATE,MODIFY \n" +
- " For More Info on Resource and Action \n" +
- " 1. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E52734_01/oim/OMJAV/oracle/iam/platform/authopss/api/PolicyConstants.Resources.html \n" +
- " 2. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E52734_01/oim/OMJAV/oracle/iam/platform/authopss/api/PolicyConstants.Actions.html \n";
- private static AdminRoleService adminRoleService;
- private static List<Capability> getCapabilitiess(PolicyConstants.Resources resourceType, PolicyConstants.Actions actions)
- throws Exception {
- adminRoleService = Platform.getService(AdminRoleService.class);
- return adminRoleService.getCapabilitiess(resourceType, actions);
- }
- private static void createAdminRoleWithAddMemberCapabilities(String adminRoleName,PolicyConstants.Resources resource,
- List<PolicyConstants.Actions> actions) throws Exception{
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Starting createAdminRoleWithAddMemberCapabilities ");
- AdminRole adminrole= new AdminRole(adminRoleName, " Display Name "+adminRoleName, "Admin Role for "
- +resource.getId()+" with capabilities ", true);
- List<Capability> capabilities = new ArrayList<Capability>();
- for(PolicyConstants.Actions action : actions){
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Resource :"+resource+", Actions : "+action);
- capabilities.addAll(getCapabilitiess(resource, action));
- }
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Setting capabilities");
- adminrole.setCapabilities(capabilities);
- AdminRoleVO adminRolevo = new AdminRoleVO( adminrole);
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Invoking createAdminRole...!");
- adminRolevo = adminRoleService.createAdminRole(adminRolevo);
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Ending createAdminRoleWithAddMemberCapabilities with Admin Role Name :"
- +adminRolevo.getAdminRole().getRoleName());
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
- /*
- * Configuring logger level
- */
- setLogger();
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Starting Main Method..! ");
- try{
- boolean configFileOptionPresent = readArguments(args);
- if (!configFileOptionPresent) {
- logger.log(Level.SEVERE,"ERROR: Arguments Cannot be Null Or Invalid Command Line.. \n "+usageString);
- throw new IllegalArgumentException(" ERROR: Arguments Cannot be Null Or Invalid Command Line.. \n "+usageString);
- }
- String adminRoleName =args[0];
- String resourceName =args[1].toUpperCase();
- String actionNames=args[2];
- validateParams(adminRoleName,resourceName,actionNames);
- List actions =Arrays.asList(actionNames.trim().split(","));
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Admin Role Name : "+adminRoleName+", resource Name : "+resourceName+", Actions : "+actions);
- PolicyConstants.Resources resource= getResources(resourceName);
- List<PolicyConstants.Actions> actionTypeList = getActions(resource,actions);
- createAdminRoleWithAddMemberCapabilities(adminRoleName,resource,actionTypeList);
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Ending Main Method..! ");
- }catch(Exception e){
- logger.log(Level.SEVERE," Exception Occured with Message "+e);
- System.out.println(" For Detail Exception Please look at File : "+new File("").getAbsolutePath()+
- "/customAdminRoleWihGrantRoleCapabilities.log");
- //throw e;
- }
- }
- private static void validateParams(String adminRoleName,String resourceName,String actionNames) throws Exception {
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Starting validateParams Method..! ");
- if(adminRoleName==null || adminRoleName.isEmpty()){
- logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "ERROR: Invalid ADMIN_ROLE_NAME. Please Pass Valid ADMIN_ROLE_NAME. \n "+usageString);
- throw new Exception(" ERROR: Invalid ADMIN_ROLE_NAME. Please Pass Valid ADMIN_ROLE_NAME. \n "+usageString);
- }
- if(resourceName==null || resourceName.isEmpty()){
- logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "ERROR: Invalid Resources. Please Pass Valid RESOURCES. \n "+usageString);
- throw new Exception(" ERROR: Invalid Resources. Please Pass Valid RESOURCES. \n "+usageString);
- }
- if(actionNames==null | actionNames.isEmpty()){
- logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "ERROR: Invalid RESOURCE ACTION. Please Pass Valid Actions for Entity. \n "+usageString);
- throw new Exception(" ERROR: Invalid RESOURCE ACTION. Please Pass Valid Actions for Entity. \n "+usageString);
- }
- logger.log(Level.INFO,"Ending validateParams Method..! ");
- }
- private static PolicyConstants.Resources getResources(String resource){
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Entering getResources Method... !");
- Resources resourceObj=null;
- for ( Resources resourceEnum : PolicyConstants.Resources.values()){
- if(resourceEnum.toString().equals(resource)){
- resourceObj=resourceEnum;
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Found Resources "+resourceObj );
- break;
- }
- }
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Ending getResources Method with Resources"+resourceObj);
- return resourceObj;
- }
- private static List<PolicyConstants.Actions> getActions(PolicyConstants.Resources resourceObj,List actions){
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Entering getActions Method... !");
- List<PolicyConstants.Actions> actionTypeList = new ArrayList<PolicyConstants.Actions>();
- for(Actions action : resourceObj.getActions()){
- if(actions.contains(action.toString())){
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Actions "+action.toString()+" Found For Resources "+resourceObj );
- actionTypeList.add(action);
- }
- }
- logger.log(Level.INFO," Ending getActions Method with Actions "+actionTypeList);
- return actionTypeList;
- }
- private static boolean readArguments(String[] args) throws Exception {
- boolean configFileOptionPresent = true;
- if(args.length!=3){
- configFileOptionPresent=false;
- throw new Exception(" ERROR: Inavlid Command Line Arguments. \n "+usageString);
- }
- return configFileOptionPresent;
- }
- /**
- * Sets up Logger.
- */
- public static void setLogger() throws IOException {
- String logFile = DEFAULT_LOG_FILE;
- logger = Logger.getLogger("oracle.iam.custom.adminRole");
- logger.setLevel(Level.ALL);
- try {
- FileHandler loggerFileHandler = new FileHandler(logFile, true);
- if (!logFile.toLowerCase().endsWith("xml")) {
- loggerFileHandler.setFormatter(new java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter());
- }
- logger.addHandler(loggerFileHandler);
- logger.setUseParentHandlers(false);
- } catch (IOException io) {
- logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception In Adding Log Handler");
- throw io;
- }
- }
- }
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Custom Admin Role With Grant Role Capabilities
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